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Materi Tes Bahasa Inggris Modals, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

2 September 2024

Modals adalah kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) yang ditempatkan sebelum main verb untuk memodifikasi makna kata dari kata kerja tersebut. Modal berfungsi untuk mengekspesikan permission, ability, obligation, prohibition, lack of necessity, advice, possibility, probability.

Baca Juga:

No. Fungsi Modals Pola Modals Contoh
1. Menyatakan Kemampuan
• Kemampuan di
masa sekarang
S + can + V inf + O
S + to be (is, am, are) + able to + V inf + O
S+ to be (is, am, are) + capable of + Ving
+ O
I can swim everyday
I am able to swim every day
I am capable of swimming
• Kemampuan di
masa lalu
S + could + V inf + O

S + to be (was, were) + able to + V inf + O

S + to be (was, were) + capable of + Ving
+ O
I could swim when I was 15
years old
I was able to swim when I
was 15 years old
I was capable of swimming
when I was 15 years old
2. Menyatakan izin S + may + V inf + O
S + might + V inf + O
S + to be + allowed to + V inf + O
S + to be + permitted to + V inf + O
Sisca may eat the brownies
in the freezer, and Sasa is
allowed to eat the
3. Menyatakan keharusan
dan kewajiban
• Keharusan di
masa sekarang
S + has/have to + V inf + O My sister has to wake up
early everyday so that she
can do exercise
• Keharusan di masa lalu S + had to + Vinf + O Doddy had to run because
he was late.
Kewajiban di
masa sekarang
S + to be (is, am, are) to + V inf + O We are to wear uniform in
our school.
• Kewajiban di masa lalu S + to be (was, were) to + V inf + O We were to wear uniform
in ceremony last Monday.
4. Menyatakan Saran
• Saran di masa sekarang
S + should/had better/ought to + V inf +
You had better go
to school early this morning
• Saran di masa lalu S + should + have + Verb 3 + O She should have studied so
that she didn’ t fail the exam
last week
5. Menyatakan Kemungkinan
• Kemungkinan di
masa sekarang
S + may/might + V inf + O Rindu may come alone to
the hospital
• Kemungkinan di
masa sekarang
S + might + have + Verb 3 + O Senja might have been sick
so that she didn’t come to
work yesterday
6. Menyatakan Larangan S + mustn’t/ to be not allowed to/ to be
not permitted to + V inf + O
We are not allowed to
enter the surgical room
7. Menyatakan
ketidakmungkinan di masa
S + cannot + have + Verb 3 + O I saw Machel at Gambir
Station two minutes ago,
he cannot have been in
Lembang right now
8. Menyatakan kemampuan
untuk melakukan sesuatu
dimasa lalu tapi tidak
S + could + have + Verb 3 + O Mischa could have married
Jerry, but she cheated on
9. Menyatakan kepastian
atau kesimpulan di masa
S + must + have + Verb 3 + O The grass is wet. It must
have rained last night.
Halo... Saya TheSniper, seseorang yang suka dengan sesuatu yang berbeda. Semoga apa yang ada disini bisa membantumu. Doscendo Discimus.
